
Monday, August 9, 2010


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith
(2 Tim 4:7)

I have been training myself to run a 5k since March and the time has finally come. My husband ran with me at my pace so I am thankful to him for that...It was definitely an experience of a lifetime and I look forward to running another one soon. There is one coming up on Aug. 21 but I am not sure if I can handle this heat again. It was sooooo humid and sooooo hot, I got to the end and was throwing up...LOL, yes i got the full race experience...and I also ran a persoanl best time of : 30:33. I hope to next time to either match this time or beat it. Thanks to all the support from my family and friends that kept me motivated to run...

The Forcaster and Me before the run!

Me strectching out the muscles and the nerves!!!

I know my headphones are huge..LOL..but they keep me in a zone and I HATE earbuds, they dont stay in my ears, they are more of a distraction to me.

(IPod Music for 5k: Youthful Praise - Resting on His Promise Album)

At the starting line, giving the kids the thumbs up!! Mom and Dad

are ready to go

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1 comment:

  1. Ha, I am so with you on earbuds! I like big, old-fashioned earphones, too. I can't keep earbuds in for anything!
