
Friday, December 17, 2010


So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. (2 Thessalonians 2:15)

Webster defines tradition as the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction. Christmas and Thanksgiving in many families are filled with traditions, but in our family we don’t really have any, we just sort of “wing it”. We have had brunch with friends, we have watched Christmas movies, we have gone to the movies, and we have even tried the opening one gift on Christmas eve, usually pajamas or something. I guess the one thing that we have done consistently is to cook the traditional Christmas food, which just happens to be the same thing we eat for Thanksgiving and quite frankly I get burned out on dressing, turkey, ham etc and not really looking forward to eating it all again on Christmas.
Well, this year my family and I have been discussing new traditions to start in our family that can be passed down to my grands and great grands and so on. Right now we are sort of thinking about getting a new pair of pajamas on Christmas eve and then watch movies and eat cookies ,milk, eggnog, or hot chocolate, and instead of the traditional dinner we are going to have a BIG breakfast, waffles with different toppings, eggs, bacon, sausage, orange juice etc. Then we will go to a movie on that night.
What are your families traditions, are sticking with the old or are you coming up with new ones for you and your family?


  1. We don't really have any consistent traditions, either. I think this year we're going to try something a little different. Open stockings when we first get up on Christmas morning then eat a big, yummy breakfast (casserole, pigs in a blanket, pancakes, whatever) and then open presents. Then when we get together with my family, it won't be hard to wait for the late lunch.

    I love your idea of pajamas on Christmas eve!! We might have to do that one, too. I also like the idea of Christmas movies and sweets. Maybe we'd have to do that on Christmas Eve Eve since Christmas Eve is spent with my husband's family.

  2. One of my friends growing used to eat tacos, burritos, nachos, and all of that on Christmas. I thought it was cool because it was different.

    When I was growing up, we ate the same thing as we do on Thanksgiving, but we loved it. For my cousins and I, it was allllll about spending time and just clowing. We used to play outside or video games...or whatever. As we got older, the adults let us on the table to play Spades, and it's really just about the fam. Plus, in my family growing up, there was so much a variety on Thanksgiving and Christmas, there was nothing to get tired of. Of course there was the turkey and ham (I don't really do either), but then we had the chitlins, greens (mustard & collards), ribs, bbq chicken, brisket, sweet potatoes, potato salad....blah, blah, blah...but the yellow cake is what really got us right! lol

    For my immediate family, we would get up at like 4 a.m. to open presents and then we would just spend time helping my mom get whatever dishes ready that she was going to take to my aunts.

    Now that I'm an adult, each Christmas has been different. Lou and I kind of do our own Christmas the night before, and then we head to somebody in the fam's house to spend a few days. I like it because it's like we get to stop and share our moment. We also try to watch Friday After Next each year. lol....before Christmas.

    The holiday that I do have a tradition for is New Years Day. It's the only holiday where Lou and I don't try to go anywhere, and I can really do all my cooking. It's the one holiday where I make MY meal, and I'm starting to enjoy it. I'll be missing it this year!! lol...and it's really bothering me. I've brushed on my skills enough to want to start inviting people over for that meal and just games and fun times.

  3. Oh!! But I wanted to add, my best their family definitely has a tradition for Christmas. The weekend before Christmas, they get together at one of her Aunt's house for the pre-Christmas dinner. Then, some time during the week, they have the Christmas like performance. lol...sounds different, but it's actually cool. They all get together and do little things to entertain the family. Christmas Eve, everyone...EVERYONE spends the night at her Nana's house. They wake up open gifts, breakfast, and then everyone goes home for a while. Then, they go to either my friend's parent's house...or either her other aunt for Christmas day to hang out and eat. The next day they all come back over for "a nap and leftovers." It's a fun occcassion. I usually like to worm my way into one of the activities when I'm in town. It's a tradition that my best friend takes a lot of pride in.
