
Friday, June 3, 2011

Pool Side Revelations

The pool here on base opened up on last with a huge luau and every since then the Ingrams have been there like clockwork. I get up go to the gym, come home check some emails, do some homework and by 12 noon we are pool side.
Yesterday as I was sitting pool there was a situation and a revelation:

1. the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure.
2. something revealed or disclosed, especially a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized.
3. Theology .
a. God's disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures.
b. an instance of such communication or disclosure.
c. something thus communicated or disclosed.
d. something that contains such disclosure, as the Bible.

While at the pool, there was a young girl and her little brother who came into pool area together. The little girl who had to be about 7 or 8 walked to the side of the pool and immediately jumped in, the little boy who was like 3 or 4 saw this. He walked to the edge of the pool and was talking to the little girl as she was trying to fix her goggles. I was watching the little guy and thinking to myself the whole time, "I hope he doesnt jump in", and I was also wondering if he could swim. I saw him get closer to edge of the pool , but I didnt say anything because I figured mom was close behind, and plus , I have seen women get really crazy about other people saying things to their kids.

So, as I was doing all of this self talk, the little boy JUMPED in, and I took off. He jumped in with his arms wide open , thinking that the little girl would catch him, but she wasnt even paying attention, she was doing her own thing. The lifeguards (teens) were on the other side of the pool and it would have took them too long to get there so I took off ,jumping over chairs and bags and into the water. When I got in the water the little boy was under with his eyes wide open, reaching out to me, so I quickly scooped him up. By this time the lifeguards had made their way over to me and I handed him to them, so they could check him out. His parents thanked me and were grateful that I got thier little boy.

I didnt even have on a bathing suit, I wasnt planning on getting in the water at all..LOL..I went in fully dressed...LOL.

Thinking about all that had happened yesterday, reminded me of the Fathers Love and how we are as his children:

Many times as christians we find ourselves in situations where we run ahead of him. We want to do something so badly but instead of waiting until we have been fully equipped to do the task, we jump into it head first and find ourselves struggling to keep our head above water. We were tempted by how easy or effortless others made things look, when in fact we dont know what all they had to go through to be where they are.

Unlike me and the little boy, the father knows what we are going to do before we do it and even though he knows we are not ready, he lets us jump in anyway.

He watches as we look at others and think to ourselves that if they can do it, then we can do it. He watches as we put our trust in man instead of him. He watches as inch closer and closer to the edge. He watches as we struggle. But most importantly he HEARS us when we call, and he comes to our rescue!!

We must not get ahead of the father! We must not move until he says move! He knows when its time to be released to do what it is that we desire! He knows the exact time, place, minute and hour, and thats why I love him.

When I think about my own journey to the pool today I realize that it took some time prepare before we went. My children asked to go and I said, Yes. They then got on their swimsuits, and their towels, their goggles etc. They took swim lessons when they were 6 and I know that they know how to swim so I give them a lot of freedom at the pool, but every now and then I have to remind to put on sunblock so they wont get burned!! Wow..that spoke to me just then. Even though we have been doing a thing for years , we shouldnt get so beside ourselves and think that we have arrived...I have heard of people who have been swimming for years drown...some people get to cocky and think they are beyond reproach but find themselves in a situation that they cant handle...believe me , a Lake is whole different than a Pool!!! You cant see all the dangers lurking in a lake! Putting on the full armour of God DAILY, is a must regardless of how long you have been walking this walk. Without the use of sunburn we get burned! We know this but sometimes we think , oh Im not going to be out there long enough to get burned, but the thing is you never know.

Christians find themseleves in some hairy situations sometimes because they thought they could handle it. Please friends let us not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Let us gird ourselves up everyday with prayer and the word. Let us be in a position to help others, but let us not be so arrogant as to think we are better than them, because it could just as easily been us. Let us always listen to our Father, and FOLLOW him and not run ahead. We can avoid so many snares if we do! I love you and God Bless you all!

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