
Thursday, August 5, 2010


11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Phillipians 4: 11-13 NIV)

With the school year getting ready to start and parents hustling and bustling out to the nearest Wal-mart, Dollar Tree, or Office Depot, to get school supplies or to the local mall or a nearby outlet to get there kids all decked out for the "first day of school". I began to think on my own childhood and how when I was growing up, getting new supplies and clothes for school was a big deal. Most kids showed up to school with the lastest clothes, shoes, hairstyles, binders, pens, pencils etc. Kids stayed up putting their outfits together, laying them out on the bed and matching it with the latest shoes and acessories.
I wasnt as fortunate as many of the kids at my school, I grew up with three younger siblings and times were very hard for my family so new clothes was something we rarely got, and we only got the basic and i mean basic supplies for school meaning pencils and paper and maybe a folder. I think i may have had the same back pack all four years of highschool and wasnt a JanSport like everyone elses. I soooo wanted the cool clothes, the Duck Head, Girbaud, Hilfiger, Polo, Guess, Nike, Cole Hann, and the list goes on and on but my wardrobe consisted of mostly of hand me downs and shoes from PayLess or WalMart that were noticebly knock off of the more popular was mortified most of the time and was never satisfied with what I had. I knew my mom couldnt afford certain things, but it still didnt take away the taste of brand new and brand name things...
Somehow I think that , that discontent, carried over into adulthood and I found myself always wanting more, and then when God blessed me with more, I still wanted more. We got the degree, but now I need a better degree, then we got the promotion, but that still not enough...we just want more more more. Never Satisfied!! Then one day I realized that true contentment, cant come from man or material things it can only come from God. He is our father and everything we need can be found in HIM. We dont have to worry about the cares and burdens of this world we know that our God our Father, has our back. Just like he feeds the birds of the air and takes care of the lillies in the field, HE will take care of us.


  1. I can relate to you about not having much when I was younger. My parents simply couldn't afford it.

    I get so disappointed with my children for not being more excited when it comes time for school shopping. It was always such a big deal to me, but they get so much throughout the year that they don't seem to look forward or appreciate it.

    Found you through the Milspouse fill-in, btw...

  2. Thank you Little Momma for your comment, I am new to blogging and still learning.
