Gulfport,MS 2012

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to the Basics

10The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

While reminiscing about years past, my husband and I realized how over the years, we have complicated our lives with so many extra things. We wondered what happened to the good old days when we just felt so carefree and didn’t worry about a thing. We really were like kids, we depended on God for everything and we knew that no matter how our finances or circumstances looked we knew that God would always provide for us. We really never wanted for anything and we honestly never worried about it because we knew how faithful God was to us. Those were our “brokest” times and also our most happiest.
We have learned the having money in the bank doesn’t always equal happiness, the saying “mo money mo problems”, has played itself out in our lives numerous times. So this year we have decided to stop allowing our financial status and our circumstances control our lives, especially our emotions. We have decided that in 2011 we are going back to the basics. Back to putting our complete trust in its rightful place which is in God. He alone brings joy, happiness, and peace. He alone is the one who allowed us in times of hardship to live in peace and contentment and we want that back.
We also plan to go back to doing simple things as a family. As parents we sometimes feel that love equals how much we spend on them, but that’s sooooo wrong. I have learned that just from watching my own children. They are very simple children and it doesn’t take much for them to be happy. Often times the things that they enjoy the most don’t cost anything extra at all, like playing board games at home and eating popcorn, or watching a Netflix movie or redbox, fishing, walking on the beach, picnics, libraries. They even like going to the Goodwill and Thrift stores…lol…yes frugal children…lol. They don’t have to the latest and greatest ..I so love that about my children, they are content with whatever I get we give them. I said all that to say the family time can be simple, it doesn’t have to involve spending a lot of money, its all about bonding and the lasting relationship you are building with eachother.
So this year the Ingrams are going back to the basics, back to when things were simple, back to trust , back complete surrender, back to LIFE and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.

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