Gulfport,MS 2012

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Frugal Female

Coming up in a house raised by a single mother of four children, we often got a lot of "hand me downs". We rarely got NWT stuff (new with tags :)). Someone would give my mom large black trash bags filled with stuff, mostly stuff that was out of season or too little, or things that had little wear and tear on them. My brothers, sister and I would then proceed to put on a full fledged fashion show for mom, so she could figure what we could and couldnt keep. I admit, it was little exciting to get stuff that was "new" to me but I still longed for things that were NWT! I often times thought to myself, when I get "grown", I will never make my kids wear hand me downs or used stuff...HA!!! Boy have things changed!! I know realize how frugal my mom was, she was clearance and second shopper, and as I child I couldnt appreciate how she had to do what she had to do to make sure that we at least had something to wear, may not have been new but hey, it got the job done...
Now with that being said, I am a FRUGAL FEMALE...I dont know if its because my mother was or because I just cant see how buying a lot of Designer, Name brand items for children who can only wear them for one season as being rational or sane!! Not saying that I dont buy new items for myself or for my family because believe me, I do!!!!!!!! Maybe more than I should, but any who...I am writing this blog to share with you guys how my Thrifty Furniture and Fashion Finds....insert applause here......yayyyyyyyyy.. I shop at my local Goodwills and Base Thriftstore as well as Curbside finds..I also find awesome things at the Dollar Tree too!!! I know I know, it sounds foreign to a lot of you but, I promise you will be surprised with what I find!!

So, I want to know if there are anymore Frugal Females or Males out there and do any of you shop in thrift stores or Goodwill etc? Please share, I would love to hear or even see what thrifty treasures you have or find.


  1. We get some hand-me-downs from cousins and friends and I've also been known to go to a consignment store or two. Ain't NO SHAME. :)

  2. LOOOOOOVE living much less stress!


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