Gulfport,MS 2012

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jingle Bell 5k Run

A few weeks ago I ran my second competitive race. I really enjoyed it and I had a great time. I actually ran it at the beginning of this month but since I have been in school it has been hard to blog anything. I really wish I had more time to write and maintain this blog but hopefully on this break I can post a few more things.

Ok back to the race....I didnt really train for it I had just been running every other day so to keep my "girlish figure" A friend told me about the race so I decided to run it last minute and signed up on race day. I ended up doing pretty well. I ran a 27:34 which a marked improvement from my first race which was a 30:38. I really am pround of myself I shaved of a few minutes and I ran it all by myself. My hubby ran the first race with me. I actually ended up placing 3rd in my age category and recieved a nice little metal!!

My next goal is to run a 10k..I have been running 5 miles three times a week for the past two weeks and plan on taking it up to 6 miles next week. There is a 10k race coming up on January 21 and I am thinking about doing it so..wish me luck.

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