Gulfport,MS 2012

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Violation of Rights!!

One of the things I dread hearing my husband say is, "I'm taking your car to work today"....whaaaaaaaaat...gasp. The moment that sentence leaves his lips its like my little perfect world comes crashing down. I absolutely positvely HATE driving his truck. Its really manly and bulky and just hard for me to manuever. I am pretty short so I have to use a pillow to see over the dashboard (thats so demeaning) I feel like Im in a booster seat. I think another reason I dont like it is because I have had an incident in it before..just a tiny one. I scraped another truck JUST LIKE while backing up at the library. To my defense I am so use to driving my own car which has a sensor that comes on when you back up, so when you get to close to something or someone it comes on. I admit I am sort of handicapped by this device, so when backing up at the library I didnt look as thoroughly as I should because I was use to the beep beep beeeeeping of my OWN car. Anywho..thats was last summer sometime and the wound has slowly healed but everytime I have to drive it, I always have flashbacks.
When left with THE TRUCK, I tend to stay at home, and Im wondering if this may be a tactic my husband is using to keep me from shopping. He knows how much I dread driving his truck so when I mentioned shopping last night I should known something , because he was too ok, tho, the stores will be still open when he gets home with my car, and it better have GAS, which is another issue. Having to adjust my seats and mirrors and fill my tank BACK up is a whole other post, but until then I guess Im stuck like Chuck cause I aint drivng that truck...

luv ya more than my british dramas (thats a lot of lovin)

the 4casters wife

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